Freesia Double Pink - 15 Bulbs - Buy Summer Flowers From 2,99? Garden Select
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Freesia Double Pink - Buy 15 Bulbs?
Height in cm 40
Flowering time July - September
Planting time March - May
Freesias double pink surprises you with wonderfully fragrant double flowers. This freesia variety is a trouble-free garden resident that flowers easily. Moreover, it is an excellent cut flower and combines beautifully with other summer bulbs. A good planting time is March-April. Plant the tubers 5-7 cm deep and about 7 cm apart (5 cm in a pot). Choose a spot in full sun for rich flowering. Freesias grow well in fertile, humus-rich soil. Freesias also grow well in a nice flower pot or planter. Water these Freesias regularly, as the soil around the tubers should not dry out. By regularly cutting away the faded flowers of the freesias, you promote their re-flowering. Freesias are reasonably winter-hardy. You can also dig up bulbs after the first night frost and overwinter them frost-free.