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Neutralise acid in the soil and improve soil structure!

Sprinkling lime on the lawn not only improves the soil structure but also ensures dense sod, so that moss and weeds in the lawn don't have a chance to rear their heads.
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Buying Lime for Lawn and Garden?

For proper lawn maintenance, it is necessary to use lawn lime annually. Before you start spreading lime, you can choose to do a soil test first. Once you have done a soil analysis, you will know exactly what the nutritional status and acidity of the soil is. You can then draw up an accurate fertilisation schedule for yourself, tailored exactly to the lawn's needs.

Why spread lawn lime?

Lawn lime improves soil structure. Healthy soil is crucial for everything that grows and flourishes in your garden. Sprinkling a lime fertiliser also brings many other benefits:

By spreading lawn lime, you maintain the acidity of the soil. Lime has a high neutralising value; this deacidifies the soil. When the soil is less acidic, plants can grow better and you prevent them from sagging, turning yellow or even dying.

Lime against moss. Moss grows quickly on acidic soil. But after spreading lawn lime, you have "neutralised" the acidity of the soil. As a result, moss will no longer have a chance to rear its head; even when it gets colder outside and the lawn absorbs less light. Looking for another way to remove moss from your garden? You can choose to remove moss and weeds with pesticides.

By spreading lime, you not only improve the soil structure, but you also create a dense sod. Because you form a dense sod, the grass can generally tolerate more. Also, weeds will have little chance to grow among a dense lawn. With lime, you ensure better root development of the grass plant. This is exactly what the lawn needs to deliver top performance all year round!

Lawn lime ensures that lawn fertiliser is absorbed into the soil a lot faster and better. The fertiliser reaches the grass roots better. After all, healthy soil absorbs nutrition, water and light much more easily. So the order is as follows: first spread lime, then feed the grass with a lawn fertiliser.

Lime with magnesium for a radiant lawn. Lawn lime contains a fairly high level of magnesium. Magnesium ensures a nice, fresh green leaf colour. After liming, your lawn will have a beautiful, fresh look again.
When to apply lime to the lawn?

In principle, you can spread lawn lime all year round. However, the best times of year to spread lime are February (in early spring) and October (in autumn). In February, the growing season is upon us again. The temperature outside slowly but surely starts to rise again and everything that grows and blooms then 'wakes up'. During the winter months, the grass roots have absorbed extra nutrients from the soil to keep functioning properly. So early in spring, the lawn could use another boost. You can give the grass a boost by spreading lawn lime. The same applies in autumn. If you spread lime around October/November, moss will be less likely to grow between the grass during the winter months. We recommend cutting the lawn short and spreading lime when it rains.

For standard lawns with sand and/or clay soil, we recommend spreading lime on the lawn twice a year. But beware: you can also sprinkle too much lime on the lawn. And that's not the idea either! Sprinkling too much lawn lime can lead to a lack of other important elements in the soil such as iron and manganese. If the soil has a pH of more than 7.0, for example, it is best to skip liming once to avoid "over-fertilisation". This is because the ideal soil acidity is between 6.0 and 7.0. If the pH value is below 5.0, it is high time to spread lawn lime.

How do you spread lime?

You can spread lime on the lawn in two different ways. You can choose to sprinkle the lime pellets with your hands. If you have a relatively small lawn, this is fine. For example, empty the bag of granulated lime into a bucket and use your other hand to spread the lime over the lawn. The only risk is that the grains of lime will not be spread evenly on the lawn. And if you spread too much lime on the lawn or in the border, your plants and grass could be damaged. So make sure you are careful when spreading lawn lime by hand. If you have a fairly large garden, we recommend spreading the fertiliser granules on the lawn using a spreader. This not only works a lot nicer, but the lime is also spread much more evenly on the lawn. It is recommended to spread both lengthwise and widthwise in straight runs.

Can you spread lime and fertiliser on the lawn at the same time?

In itself, there is no harm in spreading lime and manure at the same time. But it is better to spread lime first before applying lawn fertiliser. This is because a lime fertiliser ensures that other fertilisers are absorbed better and faster into the soil. In principle, you can start spreading lawn fertiliser as soon as the lime pellets are fully dissolved in the soil. If you water the lawn vigorously, you can already use lawn fertiliser a week after fertilising with lime.

Our choice of lime fertilisers

Our lime fertilisers can be sprinkled over the lawn, but can also be used as 'garden lime'. Finally, lime also comes in handy in the vegetable garden and in the border. Our personal favourite is perhaps Triferto Granular Lime. Triferto granular lime dissolves quickly in the soil, but on the other hand has a very long effect. This magnesium-based lime fertiliser can be used everywhere: on the lawn, in the ornamental garden and in the vegetable garden.

Buy lime at Garden Select!

Grass and plant roots absorb extra nutrients during hot and cold weather. Soil life is actively engaged in transporting these important nutrients all year round. It is not for nothing that many lawns become exhausted in spring, at the beginning of the growing season, resulting in bare spots, moss and weeds in the lawn. Of course, nobody wants this. Therefore, prevent or remedy this problem with one of our lime fertilisers. We have a wide range of the best brands; always competitively priced. So buy lime at Garden Select!

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