Various Flower Bulbs Beautiful Projects And Large Gardens!
Buy Various Flower Bulbs In Bulk / Large Packaging!
When to plant flower bulbs?
Unfortunately, you don't plant flower bulbs whenever you want. There are certain times of year when you have to roll up your sleeves if the flower bulb is to catch on. Summer bulbs are planted in spring. To enjoy our various flower bulbs in summer, you need to get busy in spring. Think March to May.
Flower bulb mixtures: attract butterflies, bees and other insects
This category includes flower bulb mixtures aimed at attracting butterflies, bees and other beneficial insects. By planting these sources of tasty nectar and pollen, you encourage more frequent visits from these garden animals. Thus, you decorate your garden nicely for yourself - after all, there will be a lot of lively scenes - but also do your bit for a healthier biodiversity. Often, these flower bulbs come in nice carrier bags, perfect for giving someone as a gift!
Buy various flower bulbs at
How nice is it that a simple flower bulb can ensure a period full of flowers? Shop your favourites in our webshop! For more tips, please refer to the planting instructions on the packaging of your flower bulbs. We are also available six days a week for questions about the range and the ordering process. Which flower bulbs will you fill your digital basket with?