Nerine Bowdenii - 25 Flower bulbs / Nerine hardy / Bulk pack Buy?
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Nerine Bowdenii - 25 Flower bulbs / Hardy / Nerine Buy?
Height in cm 50
Flowering time September - October
Planting time March - May
‘When most flowers in the garden start to wilt, the Nerine ‘Bowdenii’ blooms (September-October). The flowering can be quite long-lasting if the weather is cooperative. The flowers are bright pink and stand on tall, leafless, fairly sturdy stems.The narrow petals curl backwards. Trumpet-shaped flowers in umbels with protruding stamens. The leaves usually appear late in autumn when the flowers open at the base of the plant. The flowers are very suitable as cut flowers but also suitable for use in the flower garden and in pots. The height is 50 cm. Plant the bulbs in spring after the last night frost. Plant them about 15 cm. deep and about 10 cm. apart. The Nerine likes a sunny, sheltered position. Give them a protective mulch layer in winter, or treat them as a ‘tub plant’ by overwintering them in a cool, frost-free place. ’